ADEC Technologies AG was founded ten years so we’re taking this opportunity to revisit the products that we have introduced since our inception.
Our first traffic detector was the TDC3. It built on our experience and the popularity of the well-known and widely deployed Tri-Tech traffic detectors. This development culminated in the certification of the TDC3-8 (TLS 8+1 vehicle classes) member of the TDC3 series product family for ASFiNAG in October 2014.
During the last ten to 20 years, the capacity of most highways and inter-urban roads has not nearly kept pace with the growth in motorized traffic. We can observe this problem anywhere, including the highways here in Switzerland.
Instead of adding lanes traffic management with detector networks and variable message signs (VMS) plays an increasing role in mastering the challenges. With good reason: Counter-intuitively, highway capacity peaks at speeds of between 80km/h and 90km/h (50mph – 56mph). Of course, it makes no sense to enforce such low-speed limits during times of little traffic. Throughput-increasing traffic management prevents, or at least delays, the stop-and-go traffic phenomenon when traffic volume raises.
Reliable detection delivering up-to-date, accurate traffic data is a key component in such a traffic management system, since inaccurate or partially missing traffic data prevent any traffic management algorithm from calculating optimal, capacity-maximising speed limits.
The sensible, cost-saving and ecological solution is to maximise the throughput on existing roads, rather than grabbing land and build additional lanes that will never be used at their fullest.