Maccaferri was involved in a series of important Italian road upgrades in 2015 and 2016. But that was only the last chapter of a decades-long tradition: Maccaferri’s products have now become the standard in several engineering sectors. Among these, road improvement and construction works highly benefit from implementation of our geotextiles / geosynthetic solutions as well as reinforcement structures and retaining walls.
Road works get more efficient, timely and budget-friendly, but also long-lasting and sustainable when Maccaferri’s products are provided and integrated from the very first design / engineering phase.
Recently, Italian magazine ‘Strade & Autostrade’ (Roads & Highways), unearthed a project which was finalised five years ago: the Maschito-Venosa road link, a low-traffic provincial road in Southern Italy crossing through the beautiful scenario in Vulture sub-region. Not a primary link at all, not a major highway trait coming to the fore of national media – such as the ‘Variante di Valico’ whose opening was attended by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi – but nonetheless something we deem extremely important as Italian local economies are highly impacted by road inefficiencies.
In Vulture, for instance, traditional agricultural economy and tourist flows come together and revitalise the local economy, but in order to achieve such a confluence of economic flows good long-lasting roads are crucial.
The Terramesh / Paralink-based structure mentioned by Strade & Autostrade is an excellent case history, amongst hundreds of similar works performed by Maccaferri all across the world. It is worth noticing that these works minimised environmental impact, while respecting the projected timeline and containing construction costs, which is definitely a key factor when public budgets are shrinking.
The structure also resisted severe floods event in 2011 and 2012, without sustaining any damage, providing evidence that is is even more resistant than projected: something we have become accustomed with, since we have previous infrastructure that have lasted for more than a century.
For more information, please contact Maccaferri’s Italian subsidiary.