ATC has put in place a modern and flexible web-based helpdesk site to assist its customers worldwide. The Aldridge Traffic Controllers Helpdesk website is accessible by ATC customers via a simple web browser at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The web-based Helpdesk allows customers to raise an ‘issue’ with any of its products, be it SCATS® or Traffic Signal Controllers. When a customer logs a new issue for a specific product the helpdesk system automatically sends a confirmation email to the customer and notifies key ATC staff of the issue so that they may commence discussion forums and enable themselves to fully interact solutions to issues being encountered around the world and also invaluable feedback to the product developers with customers.
From that point on, ATC staff members continue to follow up the issue, going through many phases, until it is resolved.
The customer is always notified of any new information and all changes are date/time stamped meaning that distance and time zones aren’t so critical to resolving issues.
To access ATC’s Helpdesk, customers need to request an account be set up by the ATC webmaster.