
Yotta is to help local authorities use its Horizons visualised asset management software to assess potential maintenance schemes as winter sets in the UK.

Use of the software will help the highways departments to protect their networks by targeting vulnerable assets that are at risk from rain, snow and ice.

The visualised, software-as-a-service Horizons asset management platform has been designed by Yotta to make it easier for asset managers to manage and optimise their asset management strategies and records.

Yotta’s Simon Topp said: "Even with additional money from central government, local authorities are faced with targeting funds where they will provide most benefit for improving road serviceability and safety.

"Local authorities are faced with targeting funds where they will provide most benefit for improving road serviceability and safety."

"Generally, we tend to think immediately of the problem of surface damage and potholes following water ingress and subsequent freezing. However, is too heavy an emphasis on reactive maintenance the best way for local authorities to spend money on roads?"

By using the Horizons platform, local authorities will get a better approach to dealing with road maintenance issues before they become a problem, the company claimed.

Horizons also enables highways teams to analyse the overall impact of winter weather on their networks, target future schemes and select proper, cost-effective treatment possible and is useful for reviewing road surface treatments proactively to help build resilience ahead of the winter.

Topp added: "Gritting treatment can run to several million pounds a year for a council; they therefore need to know that they are gritting where it will be most beneficial."

Horizons can collate all the data into a centralised view, so that all concerned with maintaining an efficient and safe network can see the required information.

Image: Horizons make it easier for asset managers to manage and optimise their asset management strategies and records. Photo: courtesy of The Marketing Edge.