England’s Economic Heartland (EEH), a UK-based organisation, has outlined a list of immediate priorities required for transport investment in its new Planning for Growth document that would strengthen economic growth and improve competitiveness at a global level.

EEH’s document features ambitious proposals to improve east to west connectivity across the Heartland linking Oxford to Milton Keynes and on to Cambridge, the three fastest growing cities in the country.

Northamptonshire County Council leader and Strategic Transport Forum chairman Heather Smith said that ‘Planning for Growth’ is an important milestone for realising the true economic potential of the Heartland area.

Smith further added: “Local people and businesses across the Heartland are all too aware that there is a need to improve connectivity, in particular east to west transport links across our area.

“With the expected growth in population of around 1.6m to the middle of the century, we simply have to invest more in our current transport systems and infrastructure.

“This will in turn, improve conditions for transport users and give confidence to businesses to make their investments here in the Heartland area.

“This Statement is an important step in our campaign to cement the case for investment in the Heartland area.

"By joining together and providing strategic leadership, the Strategic Alliance can properly represent the needs of nearly 3.5 million people and 175,000 businesses."

"By joining together and providing strategic leadership, the Strategic Alliance can properly represent the needs of nearly 3.5 million people and 175,000 businesses.

“Strategic leadership is needed to ensure that our communities’ needs are understood within Government and funding is made available to deliver infrastructure.”

The 24-page document set highlights strategic transport links in the Heartland region and will provide a platform on which a longer-term transport strategy will be developed.

Image: EEH outlines priority investments in transport sector. Photo: courtesy of England’s Economic Heartland.